Who is the Verbal Visualizer?

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Why do we SIGH?

Why do we SIGH?

I was in carpool this morning and out of no where I let out this ((HUGE)) sigh..... the kids burst with laughter... 

It woke me up that I sighed and for me it was more of a relaxing breath than anything else... The kids normally hear me sign in general relating to a dissatisfaction response but this time it was FUNNY because it was out of no where!!! This morning was nice, this morning was timed right... you know those mornings. You see I live in South Charlotte and the way I start my day is driving into Ballantyne then into South Carolina then back into North Carolina up 485 to 77 and work. But so far even up to the sigh we were having a great time starting our day BUT WHY DID I SIGH so naturally? 

Here is a link I read that is very interesting to the topic

((( BTW in writing this and I've signed about a dozen times...)))

 ((I think its kinda like yawning... yep I'm yawning now))

Signing out with a deep breath in & deep breath out... WOOSAH!


Abigail your Verbal Visualizer

Monday, October 15, 2018

When do you say "SORRY"?

Good Morning Monday!

As I ease back into the work week I check my inbox and start to reply... I get an  "Automatic Response"... Great! That means they are on it!!!! However it starts with a "Sorry"... The first thought it WHY ARE YOU APOLOGIZING??? Every takes time off... we NEED it... that's is why we take it... BUT to start off with an apology.... 

It's is something we all say... I'm Sorry for being late, for forgetting, for UMMMM being human basically! You get the point... but in an auto response... More like a thank you from me for being so kind to update your auto-response instead of me wondering why I haven't had a response :) 

So what I am getting at is why do we feel bad and need to suppress ourselves out of what we call guilt or formal protocol? Now I will say there are times we do need to apologize and that takes real sincerity but for the most part COME ON!

What started this: 

"Hello. I am sorry but I am currently out of the office on vacation. Please feel free to contact me on my cell phone at XXX-XXX-XXXX. I will gone from XX/XX/XX until XX/XX/XX. 
I will have limited access to my email and will make every effort to reply if I can.  
Have a great rest of your week/weekend, talk to you soon. "

Some people would say no biggie but it GETS OLD and that is a horrible state of mind to stay in when it's a FREAKING VACATION... or even something so mundane as taking a half day!

As I gain more perspective into why people say the things they do it helps me be more aware of what I am saying and doing and I LOVE IT!!!

Stay REAL. Stay Focused. Stay True to You.

Here is a great read that relates in so many ways with a similar perspective:


Why do we SIGH?